Jed Clampett

However, these same people find nothing wrong with shacking in a bar all day Saturday or Sunday afternoon with the kids watching the games and bets with local bookmakers, do not get me wrong, I like to stop to take a beer or two now same, and then, but why make this comparison, you ask? Simple my friend, if someone as I described above was fully aware of the costs and type in a search for savings and “value”, why would anyone in their right mind sports betting with bookmakers strictly local? Are not these local boys who make you wait until the morning of the game to get your lines?

Are not these the same guys who have to chase and fight to get busy signals on the ole tele phone? The real “value” can be had from a book that basically local thrusts his superiors in the face and figuratively, says “take it or leave it buddy”? Hometown players using strictly local bookies are losing more than the convenience of being able to place a bet on the NFL is close to or match days in advance college football, these players hometown with strictly local books also losing their fair share “Moola” – “Black Gold” – “Texas Tea” …. No, I’m not going to start singing about here but the sign of the bonus offered by online bookmakers. Think for a moment, let’s say you have a starting bankroll $ 5000 that is dedicated to nothing but sports investing, you can deposit $ 5,000 with a total of bets and get as much as a mark of 20% bonus for doing so, it that means we now have a starting bankroll of $ 6,000 …. . here.