Don’t forget your multi-year contracts to terminate the new insurance contract law allows you to terminate such long term contracts after three years at the earliest. The contracts that have been concluded before 2008 (the sogenanntenn old contracts) can be terminated after five years at the earliest. There are insurers who think it’s not so funny well and have any excuses. Please insist however on your right, in accordance with article 11, paragraph 4 VVG (German insurance contract law). If you encounter any problem, please contact please James,: we would like to assist you. On a point you should however be aware: there are existing contracts, which have especially favourable insurance conditions. similar findings. Please consult the best, we do this too of course! -whether it makes sense to terminate such a historic agreement. the questions around the topic of insurance for families, singles, is an independent and free Internet portal, Industrial customers, freelancers, unfavourably etc. answered; James supports all “insurance professionals” (agents, brokers, insurers). While James makes no price comparisons and sells no insurance, because it only involves a knowledge management, which provides objective information.