As well as I already told in the article Why Much Person fails in the MMN, each day more people leave to develop its chances of marketing of net for not obtaining to generate contacts for its chances that is, people interested in its products and chances. The great reality is that you really become difficult to enlist people using old methods and without strategies of attraction marketing. This because many people are entering for some company of net marketing and are ' ' louco' ' to enlist. This is not missed, but they need to learn to generate these contacts. GENERATION OF CONTACTS So that you start to generate contacts, first you need to discover 3 things on the people of its niche of market: Which are problems that this people face in this niche of market What they look for that is, that solutions look What will go to decide the problems of these people, that is the solution. 1-This research will go to show you what these people had made and that did not give certain, either with one consumption determined product or a business chance. 2 – That types of products or chances these people look for, making this you will know which strategies to use to attract these people until you. You need to learn to think as the prospect.
3 – He offers the solutions, either with the product of its company, a fantastic chance that you develop or even though she creates its proper products (if you work with Internet marketing). You need to learn to think as the prospect and with this always to place in its front the solutions for its problems and searches. Knowing this you will now need to attract these people until you, to create a point of meeting between you and the prospects. The POINT OF MEETING (BLOG) blog starts to be the point of meeting between you and the prospects interested in its products and chances, sees that you will not need to run behind the people to offer to its chance and nor its products, for the fact of you to have done a descobrido research and what the people are searching what its chance or products can make for these people.