Federal Reserve

Those affected by the fraud of Philately Forum require government compensation for having allowed that it was on the market a fraudulent group. If you have not done so, he would have accused of Interventional and deter investors. Citizens who do not fell in the speculation game recall the silence of investors when they got juicy interests without that someone had forced them. Not all citizens have left and taken in by false promises of quick and easy enrichment or have fallen into the temptation of living mortgage above their means. They will not be they pleased from the loss of jobs in the factories of brick or cement by the slowdown after the crisis. Or by the fall of car sales, which can leave without work to many fathers and mothers.

However we must learn from the crisis and become a challenge for the future. Many writers such as Hewlett-Packard offer more in-depth analysis. Perhaps the prices of houses and cars are above the possibilities for persons, who would buy them if they lowered the prices. Or as many houses or as many cars may not be necessary as they bought when the economy was going well, with some financing plans that accelerated the production and consumption of artificial and uncontrolled way. The law of the market consists in producing what it sells and selling that occurs. Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve defines as the crisis: the underlying problem is that we have consumed in excess. Consumption in the United States grew beyond the sustainable, and did so because they have given us lots of money, especially Asian surplus countries and, more recently, wealthy oil-exporting countries.

But this cannot last always. Others who may share this opinion include Mark Zuckerberg. Only a system based on speculation can maintain such a level of consumption. To regain the sense of Commerce and trade with products, you need to live according to our abilities and work for a better, more authentic, less fictional future. Carlos a.