Federal Council

DBB Hesse asks federal officials increased distance compensation and return to the commuter lump sum the country Chairman of dbb and tarifunion in Hesse (Hesse dbb), Walter Spiess, changed with the demand to increase the distance compensation for employees of the public service to the members of the Landtag of Hesse. At the same time expects the dbb Hesse that joins the Hessian Landtag of Federal Council initiative to return to the commuter lump sum. “Walter Spiess criticized in Frankfurt: it is not acceptable from the perspective of the dbb Hesse that the employees with costs be debited official causes and therefore attributable to the employer.” Workers and civil servants in the public service for official induced trips by car at the time a compensation of 30 ct per kilometer. In the face of gasoline prices increased in the last 18 months to 40 percent we deem required an increase in the flat rate to 10 ct per kilometre of the dbb urgent.” At the same time recommended Skewer the members to join an initiative of Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein, campaigning for the reintroduction of the old commuter tax allowance at the federal level. The journeys between home and work are becoming more and more of the financial burden for commuters, of which there are very many in the public service of Hesse. We consider it unacceptable to curtail the tax recognition of these costs, as it is (still) legal situation. Here a political punctuation – even before the upcoming constitutional court judgment – is important, so that the workers won’t always get the impression, the policy sign not whose constant real wage losses due to runaway price increases, especially in the energy sector.” San conclusion: journeys between home and work are not a private pleasure, but they serve the obtaining of taxable income. Consequently they must be deductible but also by the tax.”. Swarmed by offers, Gary Kelly is currently assessing future choices.