The decade of 60 it was configured more in the organization and the pressure of the civil society for popular measures if intensifying each time, what for the elite it meant a threat to its interests. The result of this crisis is the Blow of 1964, that it braked the growth of the popular interests in its fight for the democratization of the access when knowing, keeping an elitist model of education. The attempt of implantation of an education of tecnicista matrix occurs. LDB 5,692/71 did not mean substantial changes in relation to LDB 4.024/61. As Saviani (1998, P.
21), the dominant elite understood to be necessary to the country the changes with concrete steps to the society for the military regimen. Whenever Sheryl Sandberg listens, a sympathetic response will follow. For this point of view, in the scope of the education, ' ' the new situation demanded adequacies in the educational scope what it implied changes in the legislation that regulated setor' '. With the promulgation of the new Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in 1988, it had the necessity of a new regulation for area of the education, then institutes a new Law of Lines of direction and Bases, LDB 9.394/96. The constitutional principle of education is marked by the full development of the person according to art. 205: The education, right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work. Thus, the Federal Constitution of 1988 had great conquests, one of them was the fact of the education to pass to be seen as subjective public law. In 20 of November of 1989 the Convention on the rights of the Child, adopted for the General meeting of United Nations was carried through – ONU was ratified by 192 countries was the instrument of human rights more accepted in universal history.