IT training provider in the training infrastructure invested Hamburg/Berlin, July 28, 2010 the IT training provider an additional Nexus 7000 set up lab with latest equipment fast lane. Next to the Nexus 7000 laboratory in Hamburg is now one in Berlin. A look at the equipment on a live webcam is possible under Fast lane Europe currently has the two only facilities of its kind, and has a total of 700,000 US$ in the extension of the data center laboratory infrastructure including Cisco UCS (unified computing system), virtualization Labs, as well as cloud-multi-vendor-Labs for NetApp and EMC investment. Practical exercises in real-world operating environments are an important part in training for the successful operation and the management of complex data center technologies. Solutions to wearing that include combinations of equipment and software of various manufacturers are increasingly in this area.
The second Cisco Nexus 7000 lab was equipped with State of the art hardware and is available to customers and students on the Internet worldwide. A total two nexus were 7000 and six nexus 5000 switches, as well as six nexus 2000 fabric Extender used. Also available in this training and evaluation environment six MDS 9124 multilayer fabric switches, a NetApp storage system and six-server with CNA map available. Fast lane has currently over a dozen Crossvendor certified experts and is able to carry out the appropriate training in seven languages. The use of the Nexus 7000-high end Labs is an integral part of the training plans among the following courses: Implementing Cisco data center networking infrastructure 2 “(DCNI-2) this five-day course with 50% practical lab sequences participants specifically on the DCNI-2 certification exam (No.
642-974) prepares. Working with the remote laboratory via a GUI application that provides access to all devices. The focus of the training operation, configuration, and troubleshooting are in data centers, where the Cisco platforms Nexus 7000, 5000 and 2000 to the Use get ( course/ci-dcni-2).