Profit growth despite the economic crisis and positive outlook of the com-UNIC hotline and translation service has increased its turnover from 2008 to 2009 due to an increase in translation work. The management hopes a renewed increase for 2010. As a first translation service in Germany the com-UNIC hotline and translation service offered on the phone or by E-Mail fast and competent help of the formulation or translations into English for internationally active companies. The hotline staff, even English speakers, also help questions about etiquette, diplomacy or negotiations with partners from abroad. Also standard translations in all language combinations can be commissioned. Thanks to this comprehensive offer, in particular by a strong increase of regular translation and localization jobs, service increased its turnover from 2008 to 2009 to 25% of the hotline and translation and thus achieving a 10% pre-tax profit despite economic and financial crisis. The Outlook for 2010 is also positive from: among other things through the launch of an iPhone app that also on the way to harness the hotline service for customers, the Executive Board hopes for a renewed increase of 30% in the current fiscal year.