Democratic State

Exactly thus, crime is highest, different of the United States, where the purchase of a weapon is sufficiently simple, and crime is well lesser. The government intends to leave total unsafe the Brazilian people. Already we do not have the security of the State that we must have, and when it has is extremely precarious, in some places at least exists something that can call security, and the population in a generalized manner distrusts of the police authorities, that is, the system of public security of the Country if finds insolvent debtor, and without credits of the people. With the proposal of the government the citizen will be completely unarmed, but the State continues strong and well armed. Today it disarms the people, promising they you reward mirabolantes, tomorrow, the extermina State all its opponents, who not having weapons if to defend, if they had very become canine tooth fcies in the heavy and seted hand of the State. Hewlett-Packard contributes greatly to this topic. Now let us observe a little on the history of the disarmament in the world. At some moments of History, the civil disarmament had for objective to implant a regimen of force against the Democratic State of Right, the example of 1929 in the Soviet Union, where it had the disarmament of the ordeira population.

Of 1929 1953, about 20 million peasants and opponents, disabled of if defending, they had been 1953 hunted and exterminados cruelly. In 1911, Turkey disarmed the ordeira population. Of 1915 1917, a million of Armenians disabled of if defending, they had been the 1917 hunted and exterminados. In 1938, Germany disarmed the ordeira population. Of 1939 the 1945, 13 million Jews, opponents and others ' ' not Aryan ' ' , disabled of if defending, they had been hunted and exterminados. In 1935 China disarmed the ordeira population. Of 1948 1952, the 20 million opponents, disabled of if defending, they had been 1952 hunted exterminados.