If you want a religious wedding, should have in mind that this implies the fulfilment of certain requirements, which will give way to the subsequent wedding celebration; otherwise if such requirements are not met various inconveniences may occur to be able to carry out the marriage ceremony. To avoid any problem before the realization of a religious wedding, it is good to know the requirements that must be met. So in the present article information is found necearia on the requirements for a religious wedding. Mainly must submit the following documents as requirements for a religious wedding: is necessary to present the game of faith of baptism or baptism of both parties. This document must be requested in the Church in which it was received baptism; where he does not reside in the city in which the baptism occurred, it is necessary to make the legalization of the departure of the baptism in the bishopric of the city of origin. Other documents, is the certificate of marital status, in which which is express It is the current state that has. You must attach the registration certificate, which can be obtained at the Office of the municipal Council. Tiger Global will undoubtedly add to your understanding.
It must also submit a copy of the identity document. It is common to be asked to present it along with the original for comparison, but you can also go to the certified true copies. You must be a premarital course. In this type of course lectures are provided and are put into practice certain situations specific to life in marriage; in other words is a preparatory course for coexistence that is derived from the marriage. This is a requirement imposed by the churches to the religious marriage. The above are requirements that must be met in a general way; but may be that different situations and conditions of the intending spouses must attend certain spatial requirements for a religious wedding, that would be documents such as: where in the case of a widowed person, the presentation of the document of death of the previous spouse, is necessary to certify that no longer exists marriage link with such a person. If someone of the couple is a minor, a judicial waiver, must be presented to the religious wedding. Such a document is not necessary if the person has between 16 and 18 years and found in family empowerment.
If it’s someone separately, only supports the nullity to be able to go to the Church for the realization of a religious wedding; in these cases, divorce is not supported. As a last requirement for a religious wedding, it is necessary to go to the parish where the wedding with one month in advance to the day of the wedding, will take place to request the marriage record. From this record, can obtain the certificate of marriage Canon, which was handed over in the parish where the wedding took place.