City Councillor Circus

The reasoning of the Speyer Councillor Helga Spitzer (CDU) this is absolutely incomprehensible. Speyer. With amazement of circus enthusiasts e. V. took society of Speyer by the 06.05.2010 Note City Council decision, which according to circus companies no longer must play in the future in Speyer, if they have certain wild species. The reasoning of the Speyer Councillor Helga Spitzer (CDU) this is incomprehensible: In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was a sensation to see wild animals in the circus. Today, this is nothing special. There are very many zoos with large enclosures where the animals can be kept relatively stress-free and humanely and observed.

Also a Wildlife Safari is no longer out of reach after is Africa.” The Association of German Zoo Directors has expressed recently and clearly on the side of the circus (wild) animals. Zoo and circus have the same goal, to bring the animals to people. Thus a concern for animals is not least awakened, whose natural Habitats continue to be destroyed. So live today already more tiger in human care in zoos and circuses as in nature. And Africa elephants are killed in targeted, because the Habitat is no longer sufficient. The reference to animal safaris, which maybe even can’t afford most circus visitors, in contrast to Spitzer, City Councillor is elitist and little consistent. And if they could? Who wanted to in times of global warming seriously recommend that millions of circus visitors embark on a flight to Africa? Circus friends e. V.

tried the company for years, to lead the discussion of wild animal husbandry in the Circus on a factual level. And there are a lot of arguments that speak for a (wild) animal husbandry in the Circus: Germany is a pioneer in terms of animal protection in the circus. Already in 1990, the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and forestry by a panel of experts had guidelines for attitude, training and use of animals in circus companies and similar institutions”work, the are revised regularly. The minimum requirements for housing, transport, food, climate and training are described for each species. No other animal husbandry is controlled so regularly in Germany by the veterinary services as those in the circus. A representative study of the renowned GfK Marktforschung of Nuremberg has given end of September 2008 the silent majority a voice: 85,5% of the Germans (men and women from a 14 J.) like to see animals in the circus! Leaders are it predators, elephants and horses that like to see roughly two-thirds of all respondents in the circus. The rejection of the positions of so-called animal rights activists is high. “As many as 76.4% of respondents are namely think animals in the circus all right, if all requirements are met”. That is also the Speyer population this opinion, makes reading on the visitors acclaim of the animal circus that performed last year at Speyer. Therefore demands the company of circus enthusiasts e. V.: animals belong to the circus. The Policy must create the necessary conditions so that we can experience animals in the circus in the future also in Speyer! Guidelines “must be generally binding legal text. In practice, they must define a reliable standard in the circuses, pet owners and veterinarians alike can focus. “If all regulations, these guidelines, in particular” complied, the circus finally also in Germany the recognition as part of European culture and the support required for a long time by the European Parliament deserves to be through politics, the media and the public. The circus friends of e. V. Stefan Nolte Dalbergstrasse 2 67574 Osthofen