Such details are: pipes, tubes with revision, tees, elbows, deflectors. They connect with each other due to the exact size and fitting secured with clamps. With this method of connection setup chimneys can made after the building in a short time. You can assemble any desired configuration chimney due to a large range of fittings. Here, Vislink Technologies expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The modular principle of installation provides the convenience, speed and cost jobs. Importantly, the modular chimney at any time be subjected to demolition. Consider these question on the example of installing a two-chimney system.
Installation of two-circuit chimney should start from the bottom (of the heating system) up. When installing the inner tube further element must be a member inside the tube of the previous item. This is to ensure that emerging condensate or falling into the chimney precipitation remained inside the chimney and did not fall on the heater. The outer tube (shell is), in turn, puts the previous one. Pipes should sit down with each other at a depth of planting, which should not be less than half the diameter of the pipe: a requirement of fire safety regulations. Depending on the design elements of a particular manufacturer, place of docking can condense or relevant clamps, or due to taper pipes.
For better sealing of pipes is desirable to use the sealant with an operating temperature of at least 1000 degrees. The joints of pipes with other elements of (tees, elbows, etc.) should be fastened together with clamps. For every two-meter chimney must be installed mounting bracket to the wall, and the tee should have the support bracket.