Bilingual Education

The fourth table of dialogue on education bilingual read original (click) on: Friday April 23, 2010, from 8 to 12 hours, was the fourth table of dialogue about bilingual education, organized by the Ministry of education in conjunction with the National Commission on bilingualism, with the intention of discussing the challenges and opportunities in which teaching and learning in Spanish and Guarani in our country is implemented. The meeting took place in the Ministry of education, located on 15 August / Gral. Diaz and Haedo, 2nd floor. This fourth meeting was attended, in character of exhibitors: the Mbo ehara Luis Antonio Martinez Zarate, Mg. Dionisio Fleitas Lecosky, in representation of the National University of Itapua, and Dr. Aida Torres de Romero, of the National Commission on bilingualism.

They acted of moderators, the Prof.. Maria Elvira Martinez de Campos (member of the National Commission of bilingualism) and lic. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union. Nancy Benitez in representation of the MEC. Of this meeting involved about 150 teachers of Asuncion, in the Central Department and others, who at the time of the debate sought to MEC, among others: the strengthening of the Guarani language in all grades of basic school education and standard level courses; In addition, the correction of teaching materials; and the permanent teacher training. The national Parliament and the Executive power they demanded the promulgation of the law of languages.

Avave nunga ndoguerohoryi MEC rembiapo nane Avanee rayhupape. Irundy aty ojejapova ekuepe opavavente omba ejerure MEC-pe omyatyro has? ua mba vaieta ojejapova Guarani umi ne ere; It has upekuevo tonemombareteve nane Avanee tekombo epe. The ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI recalls that these tables of dialogue have their origin in the meeting with Dr. Luis Riart, Minister of education; in December 2009; occasion you have stopped the intention of reducing and exclude the teaching of Guarani in the middle tier. On the other hand part, the ATENEO clarified on the occasion of the second table of dialogue, which participates in these tables in the confidence which they will emerge the change that will strengthen the presence of the Guarani language at all levels of the Paraguayan education. In that sense, ATENEO trusts the word of the Minister and his commitment to change, looking for quality and excellence in Paraguayan education. Ipora nanemandu to jey a. aty ojejapovagui oseva era mba pora nane Avanee ko e? load. ATENEO DELENGUA and culture GUARANI avei nane Avanee oipota taimbareteve tekombo epe. Mita has one eva Guaranime mitarusu hetavevointe nane retame has upevare tekoteve onemombareteve Guarani ne embo e. Ro yaxis Karai Luis Riart-pe: nane reta aiha tenonde Guarani gotyo ndohomo yre.