Better Owners

The experience verifies that an owner of business, before being educated and using its time in planning and seeing that strategies will implement in their project, becomes an entrepreneur, and has all their positive energy in taking a passage after another one until making specific its desire to become industralist. The owners of businesses, besides the enterprising spirit, need other ingredients so that its project happens of its initial stage to its mature stage. In Mexico, the SMEs represent 50% of the gross internal product, their permanence within the national economy hits in the development of the country, nevertheless, the statistics demonstrate that more from 60% of the businesses they do not get to turn the year of life. To learn to being owner of business is a slogan that many have prevailed since the concept ” Coaching” it began to be applied in the businesses. It is verified, that when the owner is put under programs of enterprise qualification reduces its possibility of failure. It is an error, to assume like truth that a teacher who faces his students without qualification previous it will give good results him in the scholastic yield of its group. Partners will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Of the same form it happens when an enterprising person gets ready abrir the doors of her business, decided immediately selling her product with the unique guide of her desires and their necessity of personal and professional development. The subject ” Coaching de Negocios” it is in the sight of thousands of industralists who do not find solutions for their business.

The lack of planning and to tools maintain them suspended, in a vicious circle where good results do not take place, and much less the establishment of future objectives. Catalogued like one of the most successful professions of this century, ” Coach de Negocios” one has become an alternative key for the owners of small and medians companies. Where they teach to the owners of businesses to be owners of businesses? This questioning has an answer besides effective flood of sense, that it grants to the alternative owners key to obtain excellent results. This answer means that strategies exist, designed tools, systems specifically to develop all the potential of the decided people to become true owners of businesses. In ActionCOACH we taught how to be owner of business, and at the same time, through our Coaches, we helped owners of small and medians companies to be better in its business and its lives.