Avoid Vitamins

Do not use iodized salt (iodine generally worsens acne, so it is desirable to eliminate from the diet fish, sea kale). Eat foods rich in fiber. Fermented foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities (yogurt, cheese, fermented baked milk). Products containing zinc are also very useful for acne (crabs, shrimp, soy beans). Zinc is necessary for normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

For all skin conditions recommended daily use garlic and onion. This gives a tonic, antimicrobial, krovoochischayuschy and antiallergic effect. Beauty vitamins: A, C, D, E and Group B. Excellent source of B vitamins – liver, eggs, peas, beans. Avocados are the main source of niacin (vitamin B3). Niacin relieves irritation and promotes healing of acne. Official site: David Fowler. But the best source of B vitamins – germinated wheat and yeast.

These foods are rich and vitamins – E, which is also required in the fight against acne. Vitamin – E is contained in sunflower oil, nuts, whole grains of wheat, vegetables – in a salad, tomatoes, spinach. Also, such a delicate green fruit as Vitamin – D improves the epithelial layer is also useful externally and internally. Sun – the best source Vitamin – D, often walk and substitute the problem space to the natural healer. Winter and autumn lack of sunlight compensates for physical therapy (irradiation with a quartz lamp). Get enough sleep: sleep should not continue less than 8 hours; Avoid stress. Pay attention to the cosmetics you are using. Your helpers in building beauty should not be on the oily base.