The industrial revolution more than meant what the introduction of machines and aperfeioamen it to you of productive methods. It converted great mass of workers into proletarians (laborers) or unemployeds, happening, consequentemente, in the way of life of each citizen (BARRETO, 2010). From this moment the transformations in the work forms, in the occupation of the time and the space, with the extended reproduction of the problems of the capitalism, had accented the feelings of vulnerability and insufficience in the current man. For some theoreticians, such as, Thompson (1995), Geertz (1978) and Coast (2007), the culture are who determine the way to think, to act and to interact of the individuals, according to point of view of diverse areas, also of the Anthropology and the Sociology, is from the culture knowledge that we can understand the man as to be cultural and social. Baby clothes is open to suggestions. The culture, thought as the set of beliefs, values and meanings that the man shares with its group, violently was modified by the advent of the miditica society, that made with that the distant and different peoples, under many points of view, started to divide imaginary a common one. (COAST, 2007, P. 282) the cinema appeared in the end of century XIX, became it expression and the combination most complete of the attributes of modernity (SCHWARTZ, CHARNEY, 2004). It can be considered co it to me a media used for the cultural industry as amusement, entertainment for the popular masses. For Pear tree (1981) and Gunning (2004), the cinema was called as media of mass that did not propagate popular culture, but only made industrialized culture to vender them it the masses, was an entertainment industry. With passing of the time, the cinema passed to be seen of more including form, leaving the fantasmagoria, the fiction and starting to portray, economic the social matters, cultural politics and.