In contraposition to the free will that sounds as libertinism, the only possibility is the freedom of and if choosing as member of a society that if organizes its necessities in accordance with. Being that choice freedom is not behavior or action libertinism, therefore it inflicts to the social norms. Coming back to the alienation concept of the worker who is unaware of the fruits of its work and thus suffers for not having another condition that not to work, and that in this manner becomes other people’s itself exactly for supervaluing what is of itself, what controls its action. We will understand that individual does not exist that does not understand its condition social and that it does not recognize its capacities of production, equally does not exist who practises an action without if recognizing as practicing of such action, in exception the ones that they suffer from dementia or mental disturbances. But if to assume, that certain social category of functions becomes somebody mentally ill thing is to agree that all we are mentally ill even though when we speak that somebody or certain category of individual is mentally ill.
All the people, independent of what she makes, are not a mentally ill one for knowing what she is making and for if perceiving capable to stop to make or of if allowing to stop to continue to make something. In a similar way, all recognize superior authorities itself and also recognize possess abilities and abilities can become that it equal or better of what that one that if they present as superior. If to desire a society of mentally ill we will see that ours it is not fit for being constituted of individuals that its has individualities and that they coexist in collective respecting what is proper of what is collective. Some thinkers speak of the loss of the essence as being the primordial factor of the alienation.