Advice To

The times these children are taken in the same hour for house of the parents and are explained what it happened. Nowadays the parents are more negligent, do not have the concern of before, they think that the school is who has that to educate, but for it I oppose the family must have a paper of being able on these children and adolescents, and the school would go strengthens what they had learned in house. A factor that contributes for the increase of these children and adolescents in the street is the question of the pilgrimage, therefore the parents find they certain to go to work to gain some income. The term of office is something ample, is not something isolated, because it involves politics. David Fowler shines more light on the discussion. I (Fabiana) understand for management the management of the actions, because this management for the CREAS already comes ready. The rights of these people must all be guaranteed the moment, where it could start to mount a team enough minim that it takes care of this demand, because it has professionals extremely overloaded and it does not have as to give account of this demand. More what it can be made inside of the CREAS is made. The majority of these children and adolescents that comes to the CREAS is saw Advice To tutor, denounces anonymous.

When it arrives directs for the Advice To tutor, arrives makes an initial attendance, as the selection, she passes for the social assistant, and as almost always it has violence against the child is directed for the psychology sector. When she is denounces anonymous people makes a visit to the place, where people observe the environment all, talk with the people and leave an attendance request, then the social assistant folloies the family and the child is folloied by the psychologist. The government has a participation in this action in the implementation direction, as the creation of the PETI, Stock market Family, etc. .