Administrative Reformation

Brazil I attracted interests is who will be the President. Google announcements the Method always was and it will always be the sistmico method, it is only enough to control the President, therefore the never dumb extrutura and never will move, therefore who controls the Future, controls the Gift and who controls the Gift controls the Future. The Squid did not make nothing. It are to extend the Stock market Family, Nothing. It did not make the Reformation Tax, it did not make the Reformation Politics, did not make the Administrative Reformation, that is, it made the Obvious one.

Then I want to know that diacho it made. Brazil all was in Ecstasy because the Doctor Barack Obama said that it was the Face. One is finding that, because of this, the very special Squid is somebody for President Americano. We have that to value the values of our Country, the Customs, the Culture and Not to internationalize Brazil. We finish to see an Integration in our State of Rio De Janeiro, that was occult in the senrio Brazilian Politician since whom he was poscrito for the Dictator and President Getlio Vargas in the decade of 30. Vontando with total force and the support of the Population only perceived that with the Integration and the Integralismo, the civil forces and military they will be able for ORDER IN the CHAOS, installed in Rio De Janeiro, for corrupt and defective and subversive Politicians Capitalist and communist the service of the Occult and Private World-wide Government, by means of Private Nets.

Ves is confirmed plus one that we live a Democracy of Faade, as General Philip said Gervsio to the Periodical the Globe: ' ' For that they think that we saimos of the power, that is thinking.we act in the embroidery frames of this false Democracy and the hour that to quizermos to come back, we will come back ' ' We have that to fight against the division of classrooms and to take off this smoke curtain where the occult enemy if hides, manipulating the Institutions and the Governments, dividing them and dominating them. thus is our Brazil ………….. ' ' When to arrive the Time To govern openly and to show the benefits, of our Government we will remake all the Legislaes, our Laws will be brief, clear, inabalavis, without commentaries, as much that all will be able to know bem' '. (Protocols of the sio scholars – 1934 – translation Gustavo Barroso) *Carlos Searching Martins- – Writer – currently dedicates to the studies politicians, economic, social and its on phenomena the science of the religion and the philosophical comparison between theological concepts of the new trends of the new were and the project of construction of the new world-wide government, escatlogico subject very commented in the churches and centers of advanced studies of the entire world for countries mainly developed.