One of the keys for our online marketing actions to succeed, is proper segmentation and definition of our users or potential clients. It seems a Perogrullo truth, but sometimes it is not as simple as it seems. An inaccurate definition of the target will inevitably lead to an expense in shares of online advertising that can never be recovered, and consequently, to a total ineffectiveness. The question of rigour, then, is how to define more accurately our target. There are several methods. First, up to the cheaper hosting plans allow us to segment our audience, usually by geographic area. This is interesting, because if, for example, we have pretensions to penetrate given local market and we are not achieving, because it is very possible that we are doing something wrong, or that our efforts are not sufficient. Another interesting technique is to analyze the profile of people who contact us.
It may not be the majority of our customers, but by interpolating these data, We will have a rough idea of what public is now more receptive to our products and services. It is also possible to get valuable information from social networks. Take time to investigate the users who send us messages or follow us. Visit some profiles. Do so randomly, but taking one sufficient number that is sufficiently representative. See their profiles, search for them on other social networks, googlee their internet addresses. It is sometimes surprising what this simple action can reveal about a person.
Leverage your online popularity for surveys or polls. Offer a small reward to those who participate. In this way, you can develop more descriptive taxonomies. Avoid placing pointless question in the forms of how we met. Probably, if the field is required, the user answers the first option without even having to scroll down. Now, once it comes together a wealth of relevant information, take some time to compare it with the people you want to reach. On the one hand, you have a more or less realistic description of the profile of its users type. Warrant you that on more than one occasion a surprise, will be for more experienced be in your market. On the other hand, he has the ideal profile of the public who would like to reach. Make a comparison with the mind open to other possibilities. Remember that more than one plan, is the public which has the last word. You can spend hours designing a product with an ideal user in mind, but in fact, are other users who buy it. It is at this point where should consider how wise it is to insist on one direction, when the market tells you otherwise.