
Discounted entry to the distance of communication management of Munster, May 31, 2010 – the PR-aus – and further education Institute com + plus in Munster from June a Start-Up special offers. Those who opt for a correspondence course in the next three months, saves 680 euros. Suitable to start the com + plus Academy for communication management com + plus from 01 June reduces the price of distance communication management until August 31. The study price falls during this time by 12 percent to 4,800 euro. On interested parties information about the distance learning of communication management.

An introduction to the studies of communication management is possible at any time the com + plus Academy for communication management, because just professionals can personalize their learning speed. So, not only the entry but also as the workshop dates are freely selectable. In addition to the editing of twelve Studienbriefen, the com + plus students complete 17 seminar days in Munster. The standard length of the distance-learning class is twelve months. On request can the study be completed in at least six months.