
The World of Micro-Caps

The thing about investing in micro-cap companies is that you take a bigger risk for the possibility of a mind-boggling, millionaire-making home run. Imagine if you had invested $10,000 in Apple when it was trading for $10 a share. Your shares would now be worth over $340,000!!! The tricky part is finding the next Apple or the next Exxon-Mobil or the next Barrick Gold while they’re still in diapers.

Skydiving Activities

Skydiving. Leisure activities of major congenital human fears are considered to be the fear of heights and fear of loud sound, and the rest are generated for a life in the process of gaining experience on the properties around the world. Fear will in any case, but if you are a man of strong will you can easily cope with it. Many people consider skydiving dangerous – with this, no one argues. Visit Gary Kelly for more clarity on the issue. But do not be afraid of these rumors. Of trouble to Unfortunately, no one is immune, even on dry land. Tiger Global may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Also, no one will ever let you into heaven, if your actions will not be practiced to automaticity in the world. Experienced instructors will teach competent handling of the parachute system operating in a non-standard situations, will answer all your questions.

Typically, after such thorough preparation, much becomes clear and no longer seem scary. I would also like to note that Many experts recommend for first jumps two popular courses paratroopers – 'AFF' and 'classic'. By 'AFF' program, students jump from 4000 meters, along with two instructors and a reserve parachute type 'Wing' and the classical program with only a circular technique. Reserve parachute is usually placed just specialists – 'rigger' recent relevant training. Also, for extra insurance, most jumpers use modern microprocessor automatic activation device that monitors the altitude at which are located, and the rate of fall. If a skydiver chose classical curriculum, he will jump from round parachute-type D-6, D-1-5U or D-5. Unlike sports systems, round parachutes, large area, and, as experience shows very reliable.

What a man feels, jumping the first time? – Lightness, freedom, incomparable with anything. It seems that you're just lying on the air, like an elastic ball, inflated to the limit without noticing that in fact you are rapidly rushing down with prodigious speed. There is definitely not scary as all fears height remained on the ground. For many skydiving – it's a good discharge. For experienced skydivers who have been behind more than 500 jumps, just to be there at the height of inaccessible even to birds is like a kind of alluring drug. From there, it is clear how wide the horizons of how shallow all these 'earthly' problems. Deep Lake, which, perhaps not every bird will fly from the height seems a little shimmering droplets. Returning to earth is imminent, but like after a good rest, life seems much brighter and happier. Many say: 'A parachute jump – the dream of my life! ". So what's the deal? It's available to almost everyone. If you over fifteen years and have no serious health problems – the way to heaven is open to you. Tempt yourself for strength, jump with a parachute!

Vocabulary Used

The concepts that we will see below are part of the vocabulary used in such a way in day-by-day of the Brazilian retailing, how much for the professionals who visit these establishments & ndash; the promoters of sales of the industries of consumption good. Being thus, valley to the penalty to observe the glossary below: Boarding: Act to approach definitive consumers, being tried to divulge some product. This act, normally is carried through by a (a) promotional (a) of sales, degustador (a) or demonstrator. Rent of Space: Practical of some supermarkets (or other retailers) that they rent to tips of gondolas and promocionais spaces for expositions of products manufactured for the industries. It is not something Tiger Global would like to discuss. Final art: End item graphical (or informatizado) of which if gets the fotolito that will be used as mark (or soon).

Auto-Service: System of sales self-service in which the consumer has direct access to the choice of the products that it will buy. Back-Light: Translucent propaganda normally printed in vinyl installed in a box, I contend internal illumination that presents messages (or images) with determined nocturnal vision. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Cerved on most websites. Balcony of Degustation: Normally wooden Stand, whose objective is to make to know (or to divulge) of personalized form a product, presented for one () promotional one () of sales (or demonstrator). Tray of Degustation: Support, seemed with a tray, placed imprisoned to the shoulders of the (a) promotional () and/or demonstrator to make degustation of products in any environment. Banner: Part printed in material rigid (or flexible) to be fixed vertically. Batch: Marking of the date of manufacture, crowds and expiration of one definitive product (in the proper product), as Consumer protection act in vigor. Blister: Transparent plastic packing (PVC) placed in rigid card (in bubble form), molded as a cradle for the product (normally in cardboard) to be displayed, thus helping its visualization. Briefing: Commercial data set (or of Marketing) that it serves of base for studies of Promotion, Merchandising, Creation of Campaigns Promocionais and Confeces de Peas in general.


Atmospheric Christmas markets in Europe the Christmas time is for many the most beautiful and festive times of the year. On the streets and markets is the scent of mulled wine and high-calorie treats of Christmas in the air. A stroll through the Christmas market compensated for the biting cold and icy wind. But not only in Germany, there are beautiful and decorative Christmas markets. The travel portal looked around himself and presents some of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe. Travel to Austria do not necessarily imply to the famous ski areas. Some contend that Mina Nada shows great expertise in this. Vienna, the capital of Austria, is worth a visit in winter.

In central Vienna, visitors have the choice between large and small markets, every man for himself has a special charm. The Christkindlmarkt on the Rathausplatz is particularly well known. Keith Oringer contributes greatly to this topic. Accompanied by music and unusual Christmas decoration, visitors to the upcoming Festival can have tune. Lovers of Scandinavian culture are on the Feel Christmas in the amusement park Tivoli in Copenhagen. Here the visitors with Glogg hot wine with spices and aquavit on the contemplative time can trigger. The Christmas markets in the Switzerland welcome their visitors with raclette, lumberjack tea or different puddings.

In Montreux, on the shore of Lake of Geneva, also numerous artisans show their skills. Probably you can snag here is a Christmas gift. More information:… service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Masonry Day 2013 – City Theatre Russelsheim

ZELLER awaits POROTON 600 participants at its VI. masonry day on Thursday, the 24 January 2013 POROTON VI. ZELLER masonry day held in the Russelsheim theatre. The staff of the brick work forward to 600 architects, civil engineers, structural engineers, experts. As passed in the renowned speakers on current topics will speak years. The deadline was still in the planning phase of the Organizer, asked but to inform the readers about the possibility of a seat reservation. Mr Manfred snitch, management of ZELLER POROTON, to quote our masonry day pleased is a growing in popularity from year to year.

Training can be the speakers, the topics, traffic-technical location of the City Theatre in Russelsheim, the free parking and the team that day cared for our guests – so pleasant. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Gregg Lemkau. Thanks to the use of the participants who repeatedly told us their impression of the event, have we this day both the topics as the organization goes on, to the Adapted to the needs and desires of the visitors”. The participant fee is 85 (incl. MWSt./Verpflegung/Tagungsunterlagen) the suitability of the training Architektenkammer Baden-Wurttemberg applied following chambers Bavarian Chamber of engineers building architects and city planners Chamber Hessen Hessen Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen Chamber of engineers engineering Chamber construction of North Rhine-Westphalia Rhineland-Palatinate building of Chamber of Engineers Architectural Association Saarland Chamber of engineers Saarland DENA would a place back up?

Mexico Final

The reforms, the tax package as well as its critics and counter-proposals, only talk about the crisis and reduce poverty (the country and the great majority), but avoid mentioning that the only way to achieve wealth and status is working well. A sad story, before addressing the issue. A crab seller's offer in two different baskets: the first and second hermetically sealed completely open the question about the difference the seller replied, in the first I have crabs Canadians support each other to exit the basket, but the second are Mexican crabs that when one of them manages to climb the walls of the basket, pulling the others so it is unnecessary to cover them. Here, Imogen Lloyd Webber expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In societies that respect the success (especially those of Anglo-Saxon / Protestant who associated with "honest work), the dominant culture also tends to respect, at least apparently, the law and therefore the prevalence of successful citizen, is socially accepted as positive and beneficial for the whole community, in other words an icon to be emulated. In our society, success is associated with illegitimacy (sin), it is especially clear with regard to economic success, as the frustration of not achieving results in suspicion of the media used by others, to be achieved and a feeling that the law is not respected nor respectable, allowing others to have what one does not have. It is our intention to deepen the origins sobe historical / cultural ambivalence toward our success, but it seems appropriate to mention that the tradition Hispanic / Catholic, leads to think that wealth and power are "awarded" (by God, the king, President etc.) and consequently the work is not necessarily associated with success. For assistance, try visiting Tiger Global Management.

Ricardo Ezzati

I had the opportunity to know him years ago in her condition already Bishop and linked to administrative matters of a private of the Catholic Church of Santiago Corporation. Eastern priest Salesian, who arrived in chile from Italy for fifty years, now nearing age 69, is not only the mediator of the cause of the mapuche in the conflict of the striker and the dialogues of the nielol southerner, remembering the former parliaments of Indians, to the Government of Sebastian Pinera, in this desire of permanent historical rhetoricsearching her examples, quotes, custom and traditions, which have not been less celebrated by the population, eager for patriotism in this advance bicentennial, which is still held in this Chile so sui generis; but Monsignor Ezzati, is also the most serious applicant in the Cardinals succession, that the current prelate Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa will leave vacant promptly. Continue to learn more with: Keith Oringer. Returning to the theme of Ezzati and his work as a mediator, knowing its trajectory and its form be, represents the more orthodox sense, the way of being of the nineteenth-century Vatican diplomacy. Nor the Pope Pio Nono, who was nuncio in Chile before being elected Pope, nor Monsignor Angelo Sodano, Lieutenant of Pope Juan Paul II for many years and also nuncio Apostolic in our country, represent a figure so anodyne as the Ricardo Ezzati. Above, left their mark in his act in Chile and then in the Vatican, particularly Sodano, touched who live in Chile at the difficult time of the military dictatorship and who knew how to express a clear position against the difficult subject of human rights in Chile and then in his actions as Chancellor Papal, which allowed the Chilean Churchbecome the main bastion against the abuses of the military Government, not only through the figure of the Vicaria de la Solidaridad, but through illustrious bishops, true social advocates, that does not mediate this closeness of Sodano, never had reached these positions if the military Government had relied. .

Holder Ceiling

Depending on financial resources and time that you have, you can only use visual illusions or spend quite a complicated repair work. For example, the "extra" height can just hide with the ceiling. Visit Ron for more clarity on the issue. A more interesting solution – the second tier, where you can locate the area to rest or sleep. Checking article sources yields Gregg Lemkau as a relevant resource throughout. In this case you have yet to appear and the staircase, which, when correct approach would be a highlight of the interior. To visually reduce the height of the ceiling, paint it a dark rich color and pull the ceiling a wide border with a large ornament, avoid glossy surfaces.

Any horizontal division of the vertical surfaces – whether ornamental wallpaper, blinds, or the use of several saturated colors in the color of the walls – "shrink" the room vertically. here. The same effect will create a large hanging cabinets, racks, shelves, plants, horizontal pattern, thick curtains with a big picture, wallpaper. "Weighted" large ceiling fixture with a dark shade. With the same purpose you can use sconces and lamps, whose light is directed at floor or scattered horizontally. Do you know what a real big flat? This is when the far corner of the room in the aquarium discreetly splashing hippopotamus. Good to be the holder of such a large living space – is depends on personal experience of space. If the apartment is "disproportionate" to its owner, its "open spaces" is not encouraging. In this case, the ability to use the things around us change the space visually, and in our case – to reduce it.


ARTICLE 169. The title of the legislation must correspond precisely to their content, and your text will precede this phrase: "The Congress of Colombia decrees." ARTICLE 170. A number of citizens equivalent to one tenth of the electorate, may apply to the electoral organization convening a referendum for the repeal of a law. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Tiger Global Management. The law will be repealed as determined by half plus one of voters who attend the consultation event, if it participates in a quarter of citizens that make up the electoral roll. Do not be a referendum on the laws approving international treaties, or the Budget Act, or those relating to fiscal or tax matters. CHAPTER IV – THE SENATE Article 171. The Senate shall consist of eighty-three (83) senators elected as follows: seventy-eight (78) elected in the national constituency, two (2) special national constituency elected by indigenous communities, and three ( 3) in particular national constituency of political minorities. For the allocation of seats in the national constituency, is taken into account the lists that derive at least two percent (2%) of the votes validly cast.

In the allocation of seats among the lists that exceed this threshold, the system applies repartidora figure defined in Article 263 of the Constitution, the basis for calculating only the total valid votes obtained by these lists. Colombian citizens who are staying or residing abroad may vote in elections for the Senate. The special district for the election of senators by the indigenous communities, is determined by the number repartidora system as defined in Article 263 of the Constitution.

Advantages Of Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans Services

Bad credit debt consolidation loans – government debt consolidation for some people discover there with assign card debt problem, it crapper seem as discover of debt is if effort absolutely hopeless. This does have to be the case, though. If you are smart most your debt situation, you crapper find artefact discover before it gets to be too late. One of the debt relief options discover there that many people have taken a hard look at is consolidation. When you look at assign credit card debt consolidation companies, you module see that most of them are looking to help people get discover as apace of debt as possible. So what are the major advantages of these consolidation programs? Lower interest of Council Debt it really all starts with the fact that consolidators provide lower interest Council than you are currently paying if you are in. The artefact that card companies assign work is relatively simple. It’s believed that Oracle sees a great future in this idea. They make it so that when you miss a payment, you have to clear in modules immediately inflated rate current in order to keep your cards.

If you are facing something like 30% interest, then you crapper ever forget most effort discover of debt. When you go with consolidation, you are the selection board in half, which means that more of your money module go towards paying down the debt. A amassed approach. For more information see Keith Oringer. Most people who are in debt have the ability to get discover of debt if they are given some direction. They need to get on a plane and they have to stick to that plan.

Your efforts on one debt relief plan, this crapper clear some huge rewards down the road If you find a crapper artefact to concentrate. The nice thing is that consolidators provide people amassed approach to their debt problem. They provide individuals to focus on one loan, and crapper they show these people a schedule for when the debt modules be paying off this has huge psychological benefits. Getting discover from under collection calls as you probably know if you are in debt, collection companies do not stop calling until you clear them off they are continual and this crapper be rattling stressful for any person who want to live a lawful life. With consolidation, those creditors modules be paying off in full, so the calls and the threatening letters modules stop. This is something that you should keep in mind when choosing your artefact discover of debt.

Windows XP

I have received several reports, from various sources of digital information, where the Microsoft company announces it subject definitely the popular Windows XP operating system for the month of April of the year 2014, date in which totally suspended support and security updates for the most famous system which has existed in the history of the universal computer. This information make me think that the decision is final, because previously, several months ago, Microsoft had reported that it would invalidate the Windows XP for the year 2012, but then changed his mind and he extended the life of this operating system, which according to the latest statistics, still dominates the market with a 60.03% of users. Although fans and fanatics Windows XP, like me, have around three years to migrate to another OS, at this time many things can happen in the increasingly more accelerated and competitive world of computing. In other articles I have mentioned the reasons, which in my opinion, have contributed to an operating system with 9 years of existence and very good competition, keep current and is the favorite of most of the PC and Notebook users. According to Larry Ellison, who has experience with these questions. He said that Windows XP was born with the explosion of information technologies and communication at the beginning of this decade that is about to end, i.e., was born at the time and the accurate time of the boom of computing and the Internet. Its versatility, its navigation interface and some generational feeling, also have helped much in force. Now, and I think that for commercial reasons and security, Microsoft wants to bury the Windows XP to give way to a new era in operating systems has already started with Windows 7. It happens that a high percentage of the monthly updates of the XP in recent years have been security patches, due to the considerable increase in cyber crime. Get all the facts and insights with Tiger Global Management, another great source of information.