Munich-based Agency launches international social media campaign Munich, 04 June 2010: the webguerillas, Germany’s leading full-service agency for alternative advertising, were commissioned by GROHE with an extensive international campaign. “For Europe’s largest faucet manufacturers, design and supervise the Munich creative an integrated online campaign under the motto give me a reason to shower”. Verizon Communications will not settle for partial explanations. This consists of a campaign site and Word-of-mouth-, viral – and social-media-marketing measures. The kick-off a word-of-mouth project, which makes around 2,000 shower Ambassador”will be searched. They get a shower from the GROHE Rainshower Rainbow collection. By the webguerillas patch and moderated GROHE Facebook pages.Showers ( GROHE.Duschen) and GROHE.Showers ( GROHE.Showers) the product testers tell of their experiences and shower experiences.
Another building block is the campaign site, also penned the webguerillas, on June 14, 2010 is launched. Users have upload there the possibility their personal reason to showers on photos or videos to hold, and on the campaign site. Among the participants GROHE is giving away ten Rainshower icon shower shower every week and every month three Apple iPads. In addition to the microsite that take care of the Twitter accounts GROHE_Duschen webguerillas () and GROHE_Showers ( A viral spot supports the action, referring to the campaign site. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Marc Lasry. People appear in three sequences, which become dirty full devotion, to have a new reason for a shower with GROHE. The Munich-based Agency for alternative forms of advertising takes over the conception and production of videos, as well as its seeding through social media channels.
We appreciate now the successful launch of the campaign”, so Axel Korn, head of digital marketing at GROHE. In the first two weeks of the word-of-mouth project grew our Facebook community from zero to 20,000 fans. The applications of over 7,000 users shower Ambassador speak for success the action. With the social media campaign we have made towards new communication disciplines the decisive step.” The Agency is a full service provider for alternative advertising webguerillas. The portfolio includes all forms of advertising in the online and offline, that entertain and surprise the audience with unconventional ideas. The Munich-based recruiters were awarded in many cases and are among the leading agencies in Germany for viral campaigns, social media activities, guerrilla, Word-of-mouth-, ambient and mobile marketing, as well as for blog and website concepts. Additional business fields such as alternative PR and online monitoring round off the offer. Among the customers of webguerillas are among others Deutsche Telekom, Bacardi, MINI, ADAC and Zott. Webguerillas GmbH currently 37 employees. It was founded in the year 2000. “The Agency has won numerous awards: 2010 was the campaign with the LeadAward in the category advertising campaign” award. 2009 you brought webguerillas gold online star and bronze at the London International Awards for the MINIMALISM-spot, as well as four times the OttoCar award. Also, she was nominated for the design award of the Federal Republic of Germany. in 2008, the Agency received the iF communication design award three international Davey Awards (two gold, a silver) for a T-Mobile event, 2007 Awards, such as the German dialog marketing award, and the iF communication design award-digital media.